Friday, June 02, 2006

Let's talk shit folks.....

My friend's I have to talk shit to you today. That's right, shit! I think Mike, last night brought this on. You see last night Mike's computer was acting up and was acting like a piece of shit. Then after we hung up I started to look for my credit card, and I started to cuss out my card, cause I couldn't find it with all the shit I had lying around. After I found it, I realized that shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.

For example, my sister and my cousin love to get shit-faced, everytime they see each other. Then there are times that we all be shit-out-of-luck. Then there are those who work some much their brains are tired or people simply have shit for brains.

Also when being lectured about life you tend to tell people to get their shit together. I know I have to go buy something or find a place for all my shit. Then there's times when you tell people to go take a shit or get off the pot.

I use to smoke shit, I can't believe Mike tried shit. I always buy shit that I don't need, Mike is guilty of buying shit, then sell's his shit. We all lose shit just about everyday, not to worry you'll find your shit.

When things go wrong you just want to forget about shit. When you get angry you tell others to eat shit. Some people know their shit, while others can't tell the difference between shit and shineola. I know a few people that are lucky shits. Some of the people I work with are dumb shits, and crazy shits.

There's bull shit,horse shit, and chicken shit everywhere. You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the shit,or duck when the shit hits the fan. You can give a shit as gifts or serve shit at a party. I know I have found myself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit.

I know here in Texas, like El Paso and Corpus we really don't get much of a winter. Some days are just colder than shit. Mike was up in Chicago last week and some days were hotter than shit. He couldn't wait to cool off in room with the A/C set at 50. Here in Corpus the last few days it rained like shit and flooded some parts of town, it was a shitty day.

Some music sounds like shit, especially the one's that you download sometimes. I was watching TV and were showing celebrities without makeup, some look like shit.

It's been some time since I felt like shit. The last time I felt like shit was after eating pizza from pizza hut, so it will be sometime before I order from them. For 3 day's I felt like shit, it gave me the shit's. You know you can have too much shit, always never not enough shit. Then when you do have shit it's never the right shit, the wrong shit takes over. There's a lot of weird shit going around, be careful.

We can carry shit all the time, you should see my bag I take to work, full of shit. Some have a mountain of shit, that you'll find yourself up shit creek without a paddle. Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you fall in a bucket of shit and come out smelling like a rose.

When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block of the English language. And remember, once you know your shit, you don't need to know anything else!! You can spread this shit around, if you give a shit; or not do so if you don't give a shit! Well, Shit, it's time for me to go. Just wanted you to know that I do give a shit and hope you had a nice day, without a bunch of shit. But, if you happened to catch a load of shit from some shit-head..........Shit happens!!! So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and repost this shit . Oh yeah, how many times do you shit, keep track...Bye


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