Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Here is the good, the bad and the ugly.

Good: Your wife is pregnant.
Bad: It's triplets.
Ugly: You had a vasectomy five years ago.

Good: Your wife's not talking to you
Bad: She wants a divorce.
Ugly: She's a lawyer.

Good: Your son is finally maturing.
Bad: He's involved with the women next door.
Ugly: So are you.

Good: Your son studies a lot in his room.
Bad: You find several porn movies hidden there.
Ugly: You're in them.

Good: Your hubby and you agree, no more kids.
Bad: You can't find your birth control pills.
Ugly: Your daughter borrowed them.

Good: Your husband understands fashion.
Bad: He's a cross-dresser.
Ugly: He looks better than you.

Good: You give the "birds and bees" talk to your daughter.
Bad: She keeps interrupting.
Ugly: With corrections

Good: Your son is dating someone new.
Bad: It's another man.
Ugly: He's your best friend.

Good: Your daughter got a new job.
Bad: As a hooker.
Ugly: Your co-workers are her best clients.
Way Ugly: She makes more money than you do.
Talk to you all later....

Friday, April 14, 2006

I have a new kitten...

Do you guys remember me telling you all, that there was this cat ready to give birth in my back yard. Well she didn't have in my yard. I knew she had them, but I wasn't sure where, it had to have been close by cause since then she comes and feeds in my yard, cause I feed her. I don't think any animal should have to starve. Anyways, today she bought be a gift one of her kittens. It had to have been around 10am this morning, when she meows loud at me announcing she is there to be fed, thats when I saw the little one.

I don't know if she has anymore hiding somewhere or if the others are dead. She hasn't left my yard, she's been in the box I placed the kitten in. So who know's maybe later she'll bring the rest of the family. Im keeping the little. Haven't named him. I'm thinking of a name. I think its a girl. Any name ideas?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I have a number game too....Your age by chocolate

This is pretty cool give it a try.

1. Pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate. It has to be more than once but less than 10 times.

2. Multiply that by 2

3. Add 5

4. Multiply your answer by 50

5. If you already had your birthday this year add 1756...........If you haven't add 1755

6. Subtract the four year digit you were born. (-19??)

7. You should have a three digit number.

8. The first digit is the number of times you want to eat chocolate.

9. The other 2 digits is your age.

cool ay!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Survivor-Texas Style

I got this e-mail the other day from a friend of mine. I don't know if there is any truth to it, but I figure that my dear old pal Mike can find out if this is true or not.
The e-mail stated:

"Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Texas is planning to do one entitled, "Survivor-Texas Style." The contestants will all start in Dallas, then drive to Waco, Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston and down to Brownsville. They will then proceed up to Del Rio, El Paso, Midland, Odessa, Lubbock and Amarillo. From there they will go on to Abilene, Fort Worth and finally back to Dallas. Each will be driving a pink Volvo with bumper stickers that read: "I'm gay, I love the Dixie Chicks, Boycott Beef, I voted for Al Gore,George Strait Sucks, Hillary in 2008, and I'm here to confiscate your guns." The first one who makes it back to Dallas alive, wins.

Like I said before. I don't know how true this is, she got this e-mail from her husband. So Mike do your research. Remember I work tonight so don't call me mid-afternoon and wake my ass up. I call you when I wake up...LOL

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Mosquito's I hate them.

Today was a beautiful day here in Corpus. Our high was 80 and we only had a 50% humidity which called for a gorgeous day. Well being so nice I decided to go outside and relax in my back yard and relax. The smell of burning charcoal was in the air of so many people having cook outs around, it smelled good. I wanted to start the ol' grill up and start cooking myself, what stopped me? I don't have a grill..."Flare". I think i'll go out and buy one.

While I was outside enjoying myself, it seems like I was attacked by these mosquitos. I didn't feel them biting me, till later on in the day when I was inside. I started itching then I started ti scratch only to find about 10 bites on my arms between the 2 of them. It sucks I kill you all...
I hate mosquitos here's a pic of your little friends.

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Birds....Make them stop!!!!!!

Someone tell me, are birds suppose to be chirpping and having wild commotions at 2:30a.m. I thought once the sun went down and its dark they stop singing....Well no, thats not the case,these birds are loud having a party and they dont care who the wake up...I know im going to buy a sling out out. These are the birds that keep me up...I took this pic last laugh at me....I kill you

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Up close and personal

I found this place that takes you out into the waters where dolphins are being there playful selves. I think Mike might like this for a future adventure here in Corpus. Anyways they charge 25.00 for about an hour to be out with these creatures and are ALLOWED to pet,touch,and kiss if they like you. Who knows they might even let you jump in the water with them, at your own risk of course. Here are some pics.

Ok....who wants to come over....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Chrysler 300

My sister bought herself a Chrysler 300, a very good looking car. A baby Cadilac.
She has named the car, Christian. In my circle of friends this is the norm to name your car. Anyways, here are some pics, the 1st photo is the car she has now, by means of color.

What a beauty.....Take care of your car Yolie, don't eat chocolate in there or dark rich fluids.....LOL..